Acupuncture using Master Tung for Lumbago due to Osteoarthritis
Acupuncture for Low Back Pain
By Dr.Taya Stanley
Acupuncture these days is often featured in the media in relation to pain, especially chronic, hard to treat pain. Research into the field is beginning to back up what has long been claimed by practitioners and patients alike: it works!
For example, a systematic review by Ernst, E. conducted in 2010 analyzed data about acupuncture and rheumatic conditions published during the previous decade. After searching 15 different databases he states that sufficiently clear evidence can be found for effectiveness of acupuncture in pain management specifically for osteoarthritis, low back pain and lateral elbow pain. He therefore recommends that acupuncture be included in routine care of rheumatic patients with those conditions.
Of course, this finding should not surprise acupuncturists who treat these conditions on a regular basis. There are many acupuncture protocols for treating this kind of pain, often referred to as “bi pain” by practitioners. Special mention should go to Master Tung’s low back pain protocol that uses Dabai, Lingku and Zhongbai combined with SI3 and UB 60 or 62. In our clinic we have observed that these three hand extra points, in addition to SI3 and UB 60, often show immediate pain release and/or significant reduction in low back pain for clients. Just recently, for example, we had two clients come in complaining of acute, severe low back pain due to osteoarthritis in the lumbar vertebrae. Both reported pain levels of 8 out of 10 on the 1-10 pain scale. With a 2-4 minute of mobilization/motion needling on Lingku and Dabai we were able to reduce the pain in both clients. We repeated the motion needling after 25 minutes. Both patients had total treatment duration of 45 minutes. At completion of their first session one patient reported that pain levels had dropped to a 3 out of 10 and the other reported pain levels as low 2 out of ten. This kind of immediate pain relief is often reported by acupuncture clients. Although repeated treatments are usually needed for the pain relief to last, this type of relief is what is making acupuncture increasingly popular as a pain management option today.
Ernst E, Lee MS. (2010) Acupuncture for rheumatic conditions: an overview of systematic reviews: Rheumatology(Oxford).PubMed Retrieved from